validation – Which SIGHASH type we have to append at the end of the trimmed transaction in OP_CHECKSIG
how to know which sighash type we have to append to the trimmed transaction at the time of input scripts verification, take referance from the below example { “version”: 2, “locktime”: 0, “vin”: [ { “txid”: “f7268fdc3dd4ab2ce606a9857f321f9c9d94a7cc4ca7d31db481938ce222403e”, “vout”: 28, “prevout”: { “scriptpubkey”: “76a9145ae0dedcb9a96b8d4310e4ff137a22e0233258e988ac”, “scriptpubkey_asm”: “OP_DUP OP_HASH160 OP_PUSHBYTES_20 5ae0dedcb9a96b8d4310e4ff137a22e0233258e9 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG”, “scriptpubkey_type”: “p2pkh”, “scriptpubkey_address”: “19HXCYbrynpvTMYkQoneBgo3xEnXPFDd4z”, “value”:…